A/B testing in Sitecore is very simple method of website optimization that returns the fast results. It allows you to analyse the performance of different versions of the same page, verify on real time traffic when a variable is changed.
It is most effective method for you to reach your business goals. Sitecore generates the data/report by sending visitors to one version of the page at random and measures the engagement with the site like buttons they click, whether they sign up or not for newsletter or they watching the videos.
A/B testing is great when you are not agreed on the best creative execution for ads, headlines or cross promotional panels. A/B testing is very simple, powerful and widely used method. These tests don’t require large amount of traffic to run hence you can get results quicker.
A/B testing is perfect way to bring in the concept of optimization via testing to a doubtful team. It can quite impressively exhibit the impact of a simple design changes.
It is very simple to set up straight from the page editor. It allows you to test each component individually. There are no limits on the number of tests you run at a time.
We ran Sitecore A/B testing for about 15 projects. In one of them we ran A/B testing for different homepage banners. We got very impressive results using built-in tools with Sitecore.
Result: Bounce rate down drastically, Average session duration up by highest percentage. Page views per session number increased amazingly.
Through Sitecore A/B testing, with simple change we were able to get more users who stay on the site for longer time due to that users went on to view more pages.
Sitecore A/B testing helps us to explore more opportunities in increased engagement. It is really helpful in conversion.
Let us discuss more about your Sitecore Project. Mail us at info@addact.net.
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