I tried to install the Sitecore Horizon editor on my local machine but after running the PowerShell script, and some execution, my working instance somehow still could not be stopped and I got the below error when I hit the website in the browser.
I even tried to uninstall the Horizon but no luck. Before I started the installation, I took backup of my root so that I can revert my root folder and yet again the original instance was still not working. After some googling, I found the solution as mentioned in this blog.
Error type: HTTP Error 500.21 - Internal Server Error
Please follow the below steps if you are facing same issues in your instance.
Open Application Pools of your website root.
Right-click on the application pool of your website and select the Advance setting.
Now select .Net CLR Version from “No managed code” to “v4.0”.
Open command prompt as a run as administrator and run “iisreset” command.
Now website will start working fine.
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