Although the progress of Ecommerce Retail has been in leaps and bounds, there are many challenges and problems that the Retailers face while selling their product online. If you are to ask why they cannot drive desired sales from their online platform, almost all the e-commerce sellers would list down problems like:
Challenges faced by Online Sellers across the world:
Returns and Refunds problems
Open Market and challenges of new entrants
Lack of omnichannel to reach customers
Shopping Cart Abandonment
Price driven ecommerce market
Lack of Personalisation
Current E-commerce Scenario:
While many of these problems are connected with many external uncontrollable factors, there are many that the Retailers can control and transform to drive their sales. For instance, the Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate for Online Retailers is averaged at 67.91%! (Source) That is almost 2 out of every 3 online buyers abandon their Shopping Cart! There can be many such reasons such as lack of the desired policies or payment methods, bugs in the checkout process, lengthy and tiresome checkout processes and much more.
Apart from that, 63% of online users study the product return policy before making the purchase and if the policy is not user friendly and hassle free, they will more likely avoid buying from the platform. (Source) These problems are so huge that even the ecommerce giants are not spared off it. So, whether you are a new entrant looking or an ideal Ecommerce Platform that can help you best drive your sales or are an existing player looking to migrate your ecommerce to a platform that is more User-friendly and which provides the best possible Sales Solutions, opt for Sitecore Commerce and get the best possible personalised ecommerce solution with the help of a Sitecore Implementation Partner.
Sitecore is a package of various Web Content Management and multichannel marketing automation software that can be used by people to curate their Customer Experience. So, if you opt for Sitecore Commerce platform as your ecommerce platform, below are the benefits that you will get to tackle the above mentioned problems and lot more!
5 Ways Sitecore Commerce Optimises your Sales:
With the help of cognitive technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics, Sitecore gives access to 60+ ready-to-use reports that businesses and managers can study to understand the problems with their current Business Model and Sales Approach and then take an informed decision to overcome those problems.
With effective implantation of Sitecore Commerce with the help of an expert Sitecore Implementation Partner, users can get to the root of problems like the stage at which Customers leave the checkout process, failure of conversion reports and much more. Thus, users can take informed decisions instead of relying on speculations and boost their sales by lowering the Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate.
When it comes to Automated Sales efforts, there is almost no other Software that tops what Sitecore has to offer via their Sales Optimisation modules. Not only can one employ Sitecore to provide Personalised Marketing and pricing options to their customers, there are many other things that Sitecore does to push the end-users to make the purchase.
For instance, Sitecore can provide contextual personalised selling email marketing platform where there are personalised and curetted mails sent to customers based on their last search or purchases. There are also personalised Coupon Code options and price differentiation modules that businesses can employ to create traction amongst different groups.
When you opt for Sitecore Commerce, with the help of a Sitecore Development and Implementation Partner, you can integrate third party software such as Microsoft Dynamics AX so that you can connect your offline stores with the online store.
With the use of Sitecore and Microsoft Dynamics integration, end-users can see which products are available at their nearby offline store and customers will also see relevant online recommendations of products that they were in the previous in-purchase at the offline store.
When you employ Sitecore Commerce, their automation software contributes to your efforts of pushing the end-users to make the purchase. For instance, when Sitecore algorithms realises that the users is making a checkout, they would provide upsell and cross-selling products that can push the customers to get valuable deal and make a purchase. Also, with options like multilingual content and product management module, users can sell their provide product information in multiple languages to create a native effect and can also sell digital and physical goods in one transaction as a bundle!
Sitecore provides multichannel marketing options and has complete automation features that can be used by their Users to reach their customers via publishing, marketing campaigns, email marketing, social media integration and much more such platforms. With the help of a Sitecore Implementation Partner, one can get a customised Marketing Campaigns tailored to align with the business interests.
It is rightly said by Eric Thomas that “Knowledge isn’t power, applied Knowledge is power!” Thus, now that you know about all the challenges that one can face during Online Sales and the Platform that can help you overcome all those challenges and dominate the competitive Online Market, all you need is to collaborate with Addact Technologies- an Sitecore Development and Implementation Partner who with their expertise and domain knowledge provide you a Customised Sitecore Commerce Platform that is curetted to drive your sales and help you overcome the market challenges.
Let us have coffee together and discuss your requirement for Sitecore. Mail us at
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